Practice of Place, 2015


Practice of Place examines the role of social and participatory art practices in relation to site and society. Looking at tactical modes of habitation – collaboration, commitment, imagination, play, forgiveness, reflexivity and trust – practice is brought into question and the gallery reconsidered as a home for art. This collection of essays, interviews, conversations and musings is a generous anti-manual of place-based practice.

By Emma Smith with contributions by: Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Larry Achiampong, Can Altay, Dennis Atkinson, Ricardo Basbaum, Ania Bas, Ute Meta Bauer, Binna Choi, Andrea Francke, Janna Graham, Bahbak Hashemi-Nazhad, Emma Hedditch, Kaija Kaitavuori, Denis Kane, Annette Krauss, Marysia Lewandowska, Maria Lind, Simone Mair, Nia Metcalf, Jonathan Mosley, Henderson Murray, Christian Nyampeta, Emily Pethick, Laurel Ptak, Filipa Ramos, Louise Shelley, Jane Sillis, Maiko Tanaka, Sophie Warren, Eva Wisniewska.

Published by Bedford Press, London, with The Showroom, London, and Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Utrecht. Supported by Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, and Artsadmin, London.
